Tuesday, February 28, 2012

All My Bags Are Packed, I'm Ready To Go...

I finished work yesterday at Acacia for good, and I feel so light.  I'm so excited to see what my career life has in store for me when I return - I hope to stay open to every possibility that may unfold organically over the next weeks and months.  The last few days have been filled with the love of my friends and family (fam going-away party pic attached; don't mind the possessed demon dog).  Apples to Apples with the girls the other night was hilarious, and priceless.  I'm so grateful to all for the well-wishes and hugs.  I feel so blessed to have this life to return to, and to take with me in my spirit.  It's Tuesday and we are leaving Thursday morning, and I'm actually packed.  I've never been this prepared for a trip, ever - I'm usually flying by the seat of my pants.  It feels good, solid, real.  Not like a crazy whirl-wind escape, but like a mindful commitment filled with intention.  Last post before I'm leavin on a jet plane...hasta la proxima, muchachos.   I'll miss everyone so freaking much, especially possessed demon dogs (aka moomski), The Bean, and my boo.       

1 comment:

  1. It sure is nice that you're sharing your life on here for all of us Stef. I am OVER THE MOON for you right now. And proud of you. And excited. I don't tengo exito for you, cuz that would be weird. But estoy emocionado. Can't wait to hear mas y mas! (No pare sigue sigue...:) We're sending the wedding invite to you down there. It won't be in Spanish, so hopefully you remember how to read in English.
    Love & safe travels. Peace peace peace,
